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April: The Jacobson Family

2020-03-31T09:27:29-04:00Mar 30 2020|

Evan and Bari Jacobson with their children, Dylan, 8 1/2 and Ryan, 5 1/2.

We asked Evan & Bari Jacobson about their favorite Jewish activities, their connection to Jewish community, and the ways jkidphilly has impacted their family. 

What do you enjoy about jkidphilly?

I (Bari) am the Parent Ambassador for the Lower Bucks County Area and my family enjoys coming to my programs. My daughter always asks if she is able to be my helper. It’s very sweet! My children love getting books in the mail each month and reading our new books.

What kind of Jewish activities do you enjoy at home?

My family enjoys going to the JRA as well as the Baby Bureau to volunteer. We have done this with jkidphilly families, which is so special. We also enjoy making challah and of course eating it!

What are your favorite PJ Library books?

There are so many PJ Library books that we enjoy reading, it’s hard to list them all. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Five Little Gefiltes – This book is so funny and we enjoy the Yiddish that’s included throughout the book.

  • The Purim Superhero – It’s important to be who you are and not to hide it to fit in.

  • This is the Challah– A cute book about making challah the way Bubbe made it.

  • Sadie’s Sukkah Breakfast– I love how the kids bring their stuffed animals into the sukkah because they knew it was customary to include friends. So sweet!

Have you connected with other jkidphilly families?

Being a Parent Ambassador, I have been fortunate to connect with many families. One reason I wanted to become a Parent Ambassador was to create a Jewish community here in Lower Bucks County for my family. We have connected with families through playdates, Shabbat dinners, moms night out and more!

Are you part of any other organized Jewish communities?

My family is a member of Shir Ami. Both of my kids attended pre-school at Shir Ami. My daughter is currently attending their kindergarten and my son is at their Hebrew School.

What do you think other parents should know about jkidphilly?

Parents show know that this is a welcoming community that offers many programs for young families. jkidphilly also offers resources on jkidphilly’s website including recipes, art projects and more. The staff is available to help with any questions you may have or guidance you may need.