Elijah Powers-Older with his mom Amber at a Whole Community Inclusion program.

We spoke to Rabbi Amber Powers and Cherie Older about their favorite Jewish activities, their connection to Jewish community, and the ways that Whole Community Inclusion has impacted their family.

What have you enjoyed about coming to Whole Community Inclusion programs?

We went to several of the family mitzvah day events. Elijah enjoyed the craft projects and the laidback atmosphere. And of course, he enjoyed getting to check out the host synagogue’s elevator!

What other organized Jewish communities are you part of? What do you enjoy about those programs?

Elijah participates in Friendship Circle’s Eastern Montco Sunday Circle programs. He loves the attention of the teen buddy and many of the activities. His favorite is drumming. I love the 2 hours of respite!

Are there Jewish activities that your family enjoys doing at home?

Lowkey is usually best for Elijah but we make holidays festive with special foods, toys and books. And candles: Elijah loves anything involving fire so he especially enjoys lighting candles. He also likes singing and drinking grape juice. He also loves reading The Bedtime Shema: A Goodnight Book by Sarah Gershman.

Anything else you’d like to share about your family?

We would love to connect with other local same-sex families raising kids with special needs.