Amandine brings Evie (age 3) to pre-school at Adath Israel for a fun-filled day of learning! Later, Evie and her dad Jonathan read one of their PJ Library stories together.

Amandine and Jonathan spoke about their favorite Jewish activities, their connection to Jewish community, and the ways jkidphilly has impacted their family.

What do you enjoy about jkidphilly?

We love that the programming connects us to our community and strengthens the relationships we’ve started to develop with other Jewish families. We moved to the Philadelphia area from New York City last year and this has been a wonderful way for us to meet new people.

What kind of Jewish activities do you enjoy at home?

My family loves PJ library books. My daughter gets so excited when she receives her new book each month! We love volunteering in the community when we can and listening to the wonderful PJ Library CD’s we receive in the car and at home. We also enjoy celebrating Shabbat with friends and attending mini minyan at our synagogue each week.

What are your favorite PJ Library books?

My daughter loves the book, ‘Baby Be Kind.’ In fact, she’s read it so much she has it memorized and regularly ‘reads’ it to us now.

Have you connected with other jkidphilly families?

We’ve connected to other jkidphilly families through our synagogue and my daughter’s ECLC program at our synagogue.

Are you part of any other organized Jewish communities?

We’re a part of the Adath Israel pre-school and love the community we’ve found there.

What do you think other parents should know about jkidphilly?

jkidphilly is such a wonderful program and has so many offerings for us to participate in. We love that jkidphilly has a working calendar as it really helps us plan activities we can attend. When you have young children it’s so nice to be able to connect with other local families. We’re really enjoying being in Philly and getting to know the community through this programming.