Responses to September’s question:
Rosh Hashanah is coming! What are your favorite “new year” or “fresh start” rituals or practices — with yourself and/or with your jkids?
- “We have done tashlich every year since the kids were tiny. We gather crumbs or bread and go to a local park and talk about things we can do better in the coming year and what we need to apologize for in the past year.
- We typically like to go pick apples as a family and then bake apple pies and other treats at home. It’s wonderful to get out in the fresh air and do something as a family, and even more fun to come back to the house and bake together. Then, while the goodies are in the oven, we play a family game, like Clue or Uno. For us, this new year tradition helps us to remember the importance of family time: working together and playing together. It also gives us a real chance to talk and take stock of the past year and what we hope for the new year. As for me, I try to pick a good, spiritually-related book to start on in the evening, when my family is finally asleep. The quiet night is a perfect time for some self-reflection.
- This is the time of year we measure our kids on the family growth chart (kitchen doorway.) We talk about how much our kids have grown since last year.
- Learning shofar patterns and blowing the shofar!
- We have a clear glass plate shaped as an apple. I put sliced apples on it and drizzle honey over the slices. Pass around the table. Everyone loves it especially the children.
Click here to submit responses to October’s question: Sukkot time! Any tried and true recipes that are easy to transport and eat outside? What about fun activities you can do in your (or others’) sukkah? Don’t have a sukkah to go to? That’s ok, too! What do you like to do outdoors in the fall?