Maddy and Matthew Shusterman with Leah, age 7 and Gabriel, age 4.
We asked Maddy and Matthew Shusterman about their favorite Jewish activities, their connection to Jewish community, and the ways jkidphilly has impacted their family.
What do you enjoy about jkidphilly?
Our family has been receiving jkidphilly books, resources, and attending programs since our first born was just a baby! We have many MANY books at home, and a few of the music CDs are car ride favorites! We have attended several jkidphilly programs in our area as well!
What kind of Jewish activities do you enjoy at home?
Our family enjoys weekly Shabbat dinners together and both kids are involved with setting up the candles and saying the prayers over them, wine and challah. The jkidphilly books are regulars in our nightly book rotations, and we are active in our synagogue through the pre school and religious school. Hanukkah is a big holiday at our home, and we enjoy decorating the living room with banners, art work, and blue twinkling lights. We also enjoy putting up our sukkah each year – creating new art work to hang in it and hosting friends and family over for meals.
What are your favorite PJ Library books?
We have many that we have enjoyed, but the top favorites are Shimri’s Big Idea, Shabbat Hiccups, and The Shabbat Box.
Are you part of any other organized Jewish communities?
We have been members of Main Line Reform Temple since our daughter started pre-school there in 2014. We also are members of the Kaiserman JCC – enjoying their outdoor pool and recreational events. We often attend the Chabad of Penn Wynne’s annual Chanukkah Party hosted by the JCC.
What do you think other parents should know about jkidphilly?
jkidphilly makes bringing up Jewish kids fun and easy – with several ways to get resources. The community is built naturally and the events are laidback, friendly, and all the kids have a great time.