Tostones (Fried Green Plantains)
- 4 green plantains
- 1 cup vegetable oil for frying
- Salt to taste
- Peel the plantains by cutting off the ends, making lengthwise slits and then lifting off the skin. Cut the plantains into inch-thick slices.
- Heat the oil to medium heat and lower the plantains into the oil using tongs or a slotted spoon. Fry on each side for about 2 minutes or until golden. Remove the plantains from the oil and flatten them with a tostonera (utensil for flattening plantains); flattening them against a cutting board with the bottom of a mug will work if you don’t have a tostonera.
- Fry the plantains a second time until they become golden (between 4-5 minutes).
- Sprinkle with salt to taste and serve immediately.
We are a Dominican Jewish family and we make tostones for Hanukkah every year.