Dawn, M.J. and Noah, age 4 and 1/2
We asked Dawn and M.J. Haaz about their favorite Jewish activities, their connection to Jewish community, and the ways jkidphilly has impacted their family.
What do you enjoy about jkidphilly?
We love being able to attend a variety of local Jewish programs, including holidays, mitzvahs, social, cooking, and parent-only programs. We are also appreciative of how much our son has already learned about Judaism at such a young age in a fun way and how many friendships he has developed with Jewish peers. We have also formed friendships with many Jewish parents as well.
What kind of Jewish activities do you enjoy at home?
We enjoy reading PJ Library books together to learn about Jewish holidays and values. We also enjoy doing mitzvahs together, such as donating food, clothes, and toys to those in need and feeding the birds. Noah loves playing his guitar and singing Jewish songs he learns at preschool and Hebrew school. Now that we are on lock down, we have been connecting with Judaism virtually, including through story times and services.
What are your favorite PJ Library books?
Our favorite PJ Library book is Noah’s Holiday, which must have been written for our son. He shares the same name as the main character and even looks like him! Just like the main character, our Noah loves Shabbat and eating challah. Another favorite is Abraham’s Search for G-d, which was helpful when our son had questions about G-d that we weren’t sure how to answer.
Have you connected with other jkidphilly families?
Yes. Before getting involved with jkidphilly and becoming a Parent Ambassador, we didn’t have any Jewish friends with young children in the area. Now we have several! In addition to seeing them at jkidphilly programs and synagogue, we’ve also celebrated birthdays and other special occasions with many of them. Most noteworthy, when we lost my husband’s mother and my grandmother back-to-back, we were so appreciative of the support and Shiva visits we received from some of these families.
Are you part of any other organized Jewish communities?
Our son attends preschool at Small Wonders of Temple Judea and is in their pre-K Hebrew school program too. We also enjoy attending the monthly family service at Congregation Beth Or.
What do you think other parents should know about jkidphilly?
It’s a great way to connect with other local young Jewish families as well as expose your children to Judaism in fun ways from a young age. There’s programs for everyone, including mom, dad, and parent nights out.