Description: Get your graggers ready for our annual Purim Carnival! Join the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia’s Old York Road Kehillah for a family-friendly holiday extravaganza. Come in your best costume, and enjoy hamantaschen, prizes, inflatables and more.
Hosting Organization(s): Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia and the Old York Road Kehillah
Location: Keneseth Israel Elkins Park, 8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA
Accessibility Information: BAccessible restrooms available, wheelchair-accessible space, wheelchair accessible parking available on-site, quiet room/break room available
Date and Time: Sunday, March 17, 2024, from 11:30am to 2:30pm
Cost: $20 individual; $36 family
Recommended Ages: All ages
For more information: contact Jonathan Schmalzbach or call (215) 832-0523
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